
My name is Gerhard and this is my blog about K2 and all related technology. I first started working with K2 in 2003 when the K2.net 2003 was still in beta. After a quick 2-week training course in Johannesburg, I was sent to California for my first K2 project – one of the first K2 projects for the company in the US. At that time K2 did not have much of a presence in the US yet and we basically ran support from the hotel in the evenings after work with major support from the Labs team in South Africa.

K2 has come a very long way since those early days, and we’ve all learned a lot about the product over the years since then. The product has grown and so many new features and capabilities have been added over the years. As a consultant working for K2 customers and partners all over the world, it’s been an exciting journey over the years. In this blog, I will post as much as possible of my own experiences, knowledge, and lessons learned, and add little bits of K2 history, random technology or travel topics as it comes up.

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